Emergency medical services in Finland
Emergency medical services in Finland (staggered primary care system) is a service network for people with acute health problems. The idea of the system is to take the required level of research and treatment at the time, to the patient's place of illness, illness or injuries. The chain of care begins at the Emergency Center, which assesses the patient's risk of illness or disability, and then triggers proper (s) units to the patient. After the studies carried out by the emergency care staff and the effect of any given treatment, an assessment is made as to whether the patient needs further investigation and treatment at the hospital. If necessary, the patient is directed to an appropriate nursing institution, in an appropriate manner. For example, a suitable car might be appropriate, A taxi or a supervised and / or handed over to the emergency care unit. In the continuing care center, the primary care is supplemented and transferred to the acute care phase of the nursing institution.
In Finland,Ambulances has been arranged through the Six Step model in its entirety. The system includes:
The Emergency Response Center First response Basic level care Level Emergency doctor / physician Emergency Department Each level has its own important role as part of a progressive first aid system. Personally working people are given the means of action personally on the basis of basic training and a periodic quality test. Accepted at a higher level may work in a lower level unit, but as a rule, for example, an approved base person can not work at the care level.
Based on the risk assessment of the Emergency Response Center , a basic or therapeutic unit can be provided by a single or multiple-level unit.
See also