Guardiaregia is a small mountain town in the Province of Campobasso, Molise, southern Italy. Their patron saint is San Nicola di Bari, otherwise known as St. Nicholas. There was a vast number of immigrants to Canada and the United States during the Second World War. In Toronto there is a large community of Guardiaregians, and an annual Guardiaregia picnic.
The name Guardiaregia literally means "guardian of the ridge" and was once important mitilarily.
In 1805 the town was hit with a sizable earthquake that destroyed (literally swallowed) the castle there in a chasm that opened as the ridge split from the mountain to which it was once attached. The rift is visible from space today and can be seen on Google Earth.
That event was the principal cause of immigration from the city and today, "Piazza Toronto" (Toronto Plaza) stands in commemoration of those who sent aid and support to those who rebuilt the town.
Population timeline