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Hoff may refer to:

See also

  • [[Lucressia Ann Hoff

]] a.k.a 'Cree"'Lucressia "Mother" Targeted Individual, VICTIM OF SOCIETY Receptionist, Editor, Wife',Comedian'''alsoother last names used 'Jackson'''' and 'Williams' Husband (Spouse)Benjamin James Hoff., Lucressia Ann Hoff's private life''''Privacy'and Cognitive life and liberty is invaded with intrusion by Citizens/Government under a Corrupt Society(Involving Gangstalking/Organized/Crime) with Entertainers, Handlers, Perpetrators used to gain the a , new personality, second identity,experiencing the experience of another human being's life , which is mine Lucressia Ann Hoff, with the use of Cognitive and Invasion of Privacy techniques, tricks, fraud and to steal and assume my identity and Cognitive Life.' Citizens of this Nation are illegally and without Consent or Contract using me as a Target and "Host" to gain, my personal life, information, private moments thoughts and Conscience on a consistent basis, popularity, social gain, monetary means ,a second identity including personality, fraud and used for Entertainment "Economical and Environment purposes, my life makes this Nation money in all aspects including, Healthcare, Mental Health, Advertising including Stocks and Bonds, Education and Crime , the goal of this "Secret Society" purposes is to, assume my Conscience , Cognitive life and inner self, with the goal to destroy all aspects of my life, orchestrating and premeditated "Campaigns" for each aspect of my life including and not limited to myself identity, I have broken relationships with my children due to the situation, my children were taught under scare tactics and persuasion and led to believe that I as under Investigation by trusted AUTHORITIES to join this "Secret Society". My privacy rights and Cognitive life and liberty are dispersed to individuals on this earth by use of CIA/NSA/Government tactics and techniques, which I have no training for, I am also under a 24/7 surveillance that has been ongoing since late 2004 early 2005, without a proper ,WARRANT injunction with a publication that I posted on the Internet to various sites on the Internet, This is invasion of my privacy by Citizens of this Nation is a UNWANTED relationship. I am seeking the detachment technique and separation from this situation and people, that is forced upon my life withoutConsent or contract. 'My Privacy and Cognitive rights are owned by me and are under legal binding registered Copyrights ( owned by Lucressia A. Hoff 45 yrs. old' 'Targeted Individual) see by use of cognitive techniques(forms of telepathy) and 24/7 electronic/harassment' 'and microwave communication and techniques. These techniques are used by Citizens of this 'Nation, again WITHOUT MY CONSCENT and AGAINST MY WILL " My RIGHTS ARE BEING VIOLATED. I Lucressia Ann Hoff is labled "Tageted Individual" by Government and Citizens of this Nation using , Gangstalking/ Organised Crime and citizen's corruption originated in Colorful Colorado (Springs),with Practice of Pattern, from est. early 2005 to present day. Case and Complaint resolution/ to Cease and Disist all practices. with a legal document posted on the Internet (CEASE AND DISSIST LEGAL DOCUMENT)CEASE AND DESIST LETTER/RESTRAINING ORDER/INVOLVING THE LIFE AND LIBERTY OF LUCRESSIA ANN HOFF, to this man made disaster, that has the Nation, especially children under the influence that I undeserving of a "Normal HUMAN Life", The Handler's have instructed Citizens to use this worldwide HARRASSMENT CAMPAIGN TO RUIN MY LIFE,DEFAME ME,MAKE MONEY, LIE ON ME using techniques called Sensitization,LIES,NLP, Destitute techniques to cause me to purposely fail in Life using Physiological Corrosion and electronic/ harassment, this obsession with my life also implies employment opportunities with a Paid staff to DESTROY my life, to FORCE ME AND DENY ME OF MY NATURAL RIGHTS,WHY CAN'T WE JUST TALK IT OUT,MY COGNITIVE LIBERTY IS BEING COMPROMISED AND STOLEN. INDIVIDUALS ARE BEING IGNORANT, I am being Discriminated Against because I am a "poor" African American woman, I am a Targeted Individual which is a person put on the HIT LIST to be disposed of and forced to die by Handler's , White Collar crime and Corrupt Government officials, that have sentenced me to the Depopulation Program, I HAVENTEVEN BROKEN ANY LAWS ! Why do I have to DIE, I don't want to. In this situation I don't have a choice , I cant afford a Lawyer, and people are happy experiencing my life also with this SICK game using my COGNITIVE LIFE, I have a case pending with the Department of Justice, to resolve this situation, I HAVE THE RIGHT TO MY PRIVACY, I WANT PEOPLE TO LEAVE ME ALONE. I DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT WANT TO SHARE MY COGNITIVE PRIVATE LIFE. 01/09/2016 in junction with Publication published in 2004/2005. The goal for my LIFE is to leave me destitute, forced upon my life by Citizen's/HANDLERS/ENTERTAINERS/GANGSTALKERS/GOVERNMENT and White Collar Corruption, using 24hr. harassment teams and techniques with premeditation methods to force me out of all aspects of my life any future or happiness which is promised in the 'Bill Of Right's" in secured persons amendment. Goal and messages from Gangstalkers (ROBINSON'S) is to see me deceased by force because of my age. Quit lying on me and making sick excuses, by saying I'm OLD ,POOR, SO OSOCIETY CAN LIVE THIS SICK LIE!!! I HAVE RIGHTS! This COUNTRY OWES ME MILLIONS FOR USING ME IN THIS GAME TO MAKE ME LOOK HORRIBLE, YOU CITIZENS ARE BREAKING THE LAWS THAT HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED AND STATUED IN THIS COUNRTY. " CITIZEN'S ARE BREAKING THE LAWS BY STALKING ME, HARASSING ME, INVASION OF PRIVACY, VIOLATION OF MY FIRST AMENDMENT, IV AMENDMENT, 14 AMENDMENT AND COPYRIGHTS. I was not put on the earth to entertain you people. I don't want to play this sick game that you are FORCING me to live. I am a HUMAN BEING. I AM A PERSON. I DO NOT WANT TO SHARE MY COGNITIVE LIFE AND RGHTS WITH INDIVIDUALS INTHIS NATION. I AM THE ORIGINAL PERSON WITH PHYSICAL TRAITS and DNA RIGHTS, THE COGNITIVE RIGHTS AND LIFE IS MINE. Others jeopardizing my Cognitive Life, LIBERTY and Rights, CITIZENS are breaking the LAW, Legal measures will be taken. You people need to quit LYING AND USING ME, get out of my LIFE s that I CAN LIVE A NORMAL LIFE AND SUCCEED IN THIS LIFE SO THAT I CAN BE A GOOD MOM, WIFE AND SUCCEED AT LIFE, CITIZENS ARE PREVENTING ME FROM LIVING A "NORMAL LIFE".PAY ME MY MONETARY DAMAGES, QUIT EXPLOITING ME AND MY FAMILY AGAINST OUR WILL, LEAVE US ALONE. LUCRESSIA ANN HOFF.

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