Nicolas Bonnal (writer)

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Nicolas Pérégrin (born November 23, 1961), better known by the pen name of Nicolas Bonnal, is a French journalist and writer.


He was born in Tunis, French Tunisia. He attended the Lycée Louis-le-Grand in 1979, studied at the Institute of Political Sciences of Paris in 1985–87 — at the time he was one of the leaders of the Groupe Union Défense (GUD)[1] — and then obtained a post-graduate diploma in literature in 1986.[lower-alpha 1]

Contributor to the L'Idiot international from 1990 to 1993,[2] he took part in Christophe Dechavanne's scandalous programme Ciel, mon mardi ! on 6 February 1990.[lower-alpha 2] The following year, the host described him as "quite brilliant and very tortured" in La Fièvre du samedi soir.

The author of several books on social, political and artistic subjects, he has written on Tolkien, François Mitterrand and Jean-Jacques Annaud.

In 1996, he published La damnation des stars with Filipacchi. After François Mitterrand's death, Bonnal showed in his book Mitterrand, le grand initié (1996) that Mitterrand had a passion for esoteric subjects and demonstrated an advanced knowledge of occult symbolism in the major projects he carried out during his long presidency. Bonnal maintains that Mitterrand's interest in fringe ideas made him more of a follower of the New Age than an occultist, but that the distinction is often tenuous.[3]

In 1997, he published articles in the British weekly The European (translated by John Laughland).

In 2001, he attended the shooting of Annaud's film Enemy at the Gates and published a monograph on the filmmaker, Jean-Jacques Annaud: un cinéaste sans frontières, published by Michel de Maule. He recounts the making of this film in Cottbus, Germany.

Bonnal moved to Iguazu in South America for over five years (2004–2009). In 2007, he published Les Mirages de Huaraz & autres contes latinos. The book was translated into Ukrainian by Tatiana Popova-Mozovska, who became his wife, and published in Vsesvit, Ukraine's leading literary magazine.

He also contributed to a number of periodicals, including Le Libre Journal de la France courtoise, Les 4 Vérités Hebdo and Contrelittérature, as well as the Boulevard Voltaire website.

Nicolas Bonnal has also worked for the magazine Liberté politique and the Catholic weekly Famille chrétienne (TV columns).

While, according to sociologist Céline Bryon-Portet, some Freemasons see the Internet as a continuation of the human and institutional network that constitutes Freemasonry, Bonnal, on the other hand, "sees in the demiurgic power of the computer network as a creator of virtual worlds — which he compares to that of the Great Architect of the Universe — a 'technognosis' opening up a new path of initiation".[4]

In his videos and essays, he has opposed measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Mitterrand, le grand initié : les tentations ésotériques d'un président: essai d'investigation symbolique (1995; reprinted as Mitterrand, grand initié, 2007)
  • Lancelot et la reine, chevalerie hyperboréenne et féminité (1996; with Isabelle Bonnal)
  • La Damnation des stars (1997)
  • Le Coq hérétique: autopsie de l'exception française (1997)
  • Tolkien: les univers d'un magicien (1998)
  • Internet, la nouvelle voie initiatique (2000)
  • Les Territoires protocolaires (2001; novel)
  • Jean-Jacques Annaud: un cinéaste sans frontières (2001; 2005)
  • Les Prophéties de Nostradamus (2002)
  • Le Voyageur éveillé (2002)
  • Les Mirages de Huaraz & autres contes latinos (2007)
  • Mal à droite. Lettre ouverte à la vieille race blanche et à la droite, fille de joie (2011)
  • Ridley Scott et le cinéma rétrofuturiste (2014)
  • Les Mystères de Stanley Kubrick: Une approche culturelle et critique (2014)
  • Le Paganisme au cinéma: Mondes païens, épopées, contes de fées... (2015)
  • La Chevalerie hyperboréenne et le Graal (2016)
  • Donald Trump, le candidat du chaos (2016)
  • Le Salut par Tolkien - Eschatologie Occidentale et Ressourcement Littéraire (2016)
  • Internet et les secrets de la mondialisation (2017)
  • Les grands écrivains et la conspiration (2017)
  • Cinémas japonais et allemand: une vision mythologique (2017)
  • Les secrets de Cassien: Christianisme traditionnel et développement personnel (2017)
  • La Culture comme arme de destruction massive (2017)
  • Pourquoi de Gaulle adorait la Russie: Suivi de Chroniques anti-globales (2017)
  • Internet et le déclin démocratique (2018)
  • De Sénèque à Montaigne (2018)
  • Guénon, Bernanos et les Gilets Jaunes (2019)
  • Si quelques résistants… Coronavirus et servitude volontaire (2020)
  • La comédie musicale américaine: les symbolismes d’un âge d’or (2020; with Tetyana Popova-Bonnal)
  • Philip Kindred Dick et le Grand Reset: Visions et amertumes (2021; with Tetyana Popova-Bonnal)
  • Le Grand Reset et la guerre du vaccin (2021)
  • Alexandru Sturdza, Livre de prières orthodoxes: Avec Psaumes et Tropaires (2021; translation; with Tetyana Popova-Bonnal)
  • Grand Reset et grand effondrement (2021; with Alexandre Karadimas & Patrick Reymond)



  1. With a dissertation entitled Tocqueville et le présent permanent.
  2. Alongside Malek Boutih, Olivier Mathieu, Stéphane Meyer, Jean-Pierre Pierre-Bloch, Patrick Quentin and Pierre Sidos, with Christophe Bourseiller and Roger Martin playing the role of "observers".


  1. Venner, Fiammetta (2006). Extrême France. Paris: Grasset.
  2. Bonnal, Nicolas (19 juin 2012). "Emmanuel Ratier, la pensée unique et l’esprit du Siècle," Le libre Journal de la France courtoise.
  3. Picknett, Lynn; Clive Prince (2006). The Sion Revelation: The Truth About the Guardians of Christ's Sacred Bloodline. New York: Simon and Schuster, p. 425.
  4. Bryon-Portet, Céline (2012). "Franc-maçonnerie 2.0: adaptations et dénaturations d'une culture rituelle dans le cadre des plates-formes participatives," Réseaux, No. 172, p. 216.

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